Idlan and GOGO

Idlan is another product of Gogo. I’ve introduced my kids to Gogo VCD and books since they’re babies. It started when i bought Rayyan first Gogo Set @ MPH Warehouse sale 4 years back. I treat the vcd session just like other parents (duduk, tengok, then i can do something else…hehe).But i realized that they’d learn a lot from that cd. I think it’s becoz of the repeated rythm. Idlan is learning from the CD. I can’t sit with him to teach him. he’ll get boring so fast. not even a minute. so, he learn thru Yo Gabba Gabba, Diego, Blues Clues and etc. I think disney channel is good. even Pocoyo is good. hehehe…idlan can recoqnize color easily while watching pocoyo. He’s good in recognizing simple shapes (no octagon @ pentagon la kan…jon sudah advanced). He is also able to count, but when it comes to 11 (he’ll say one-teen, two-teen, three-teen, fourteen…twenty)…but seriously, he’s not as matured as rayyan. He’ll simply say no to sit down and learn! I know the time will come, but while waiting i’ve to make his learning session attractive!


  1. July 16, 2008 at 8:10 am

    macam pernah ku lihat scene gambar zirafah ni… divmana ya!!!!

  2. July 16, 2008 at 8:11 am

    macam pernah ku lihat scene gambar zirafah ni… di mana ya!!!!

  3. janesach said,

    July 17, 2008 at 1:37 am

    GOGO tuh menda?

    Si Eka lak belajar dgn Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Walaupun sebutan dia belum jelas dan tepat, tapi aku tau apa yang dia cuba cakap. Cuba tiru percakapan dan perbuatan geng2 MMCH tu.

    Penangan TV memang marvelous! Cerita ‘Anakku Bukan Anakku’ ajar Eka bercakap ikut ayat yang aku tak pernah nak fikir nak ajar dia. Contoh: “Tetapi Mama, kalau Eka tak pergi sekolah, bagaimana Eka nak pergi Mekah.” Perkataan penuh TETAPI dan BAGAIMANA tu buat aku terbeliak mata.

  4. mum2two said,

    July 17, 2008 at 1:43 am

    janesach : kakaka..skema sungguh ayat eka tuh.mmg diorg tgh stage nak imitate semua org ckp, so kena dengar yg baik2 je…
    Gogo tu makhluk berwarna merah..hehe..ko g toysrus @ MPH @ MJ, ko boleh jumpa cd gogo. semua ada 6 series. ko try satu dulu…

    actually Gogo no from Japan. budak2 kat pre-school japan guna tis kaedah & the same cd to teach the kids. baru2 ni aku dpt tahu MOE tgh research about gogo nak apply to malaysia. ntah la apa outcome nye.

  5. mum2two said,

    July 17, 2008 at 3:16 am

    mona : yer la…spot wajib bila anak2 sedang membesar dan nak kenal binatang.

  6. tina said,

    July 17, 2008 at 8:42 am

    Jon tuh pakai hafal aje. But expose ajer kan.. satu hari nanti keluar la semua words yg mrk tgh absorb tuh. Aiyah…GoGo is no go for Jon la. Dia tuh classical skit kut…. kekekeke.

  7. janesach said,

    July 18, 2008 at 12:36 am

    Yang… mana nak carik GOGO ni?

  8. mum2two said,

    July 19, 2008 at 7:10 am

    tina : Jon mmg classic sbb u dah start introduced him to baby mozart. mcm i, mmg time pregnant pub tak leh la mozart2 ni…rasa mcm g shopping mall..hehe. takpe, as long as good for problem kan.

    janesach : dah beli? toys r us subang parade sure ada punya

  9. janesach said,

    July 21, 2008 at 12:42 am

    ingat jemaat lepas gi, nak singgah.
    aku ngabihkan masa dlm MPH beli buku utk diri sendiri!!
    so selfish!
    lagipun DVD player aku tgh kong.
    Eka rosakkan.

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