More about the kids

I picked the kids in the evening on their 2nd day. It was raining heavily but i managed to be @ TLC on time (5 minutes to 6). There were still many kids at school (maybe sbb flash flood everywhere kan on Tuesday). Rayyan first saw me, Idlan was busy playing with his friends. Teacher called Idlan, and he jumped joyly when he noticed I was at the door. Not so good news from the teacher, Rayyan did’nt eat @ school while Idlan only ate the fried mee we “tapau” for them.

I was so sad. I scolded Rayyan in the car on the way back. He cried when I said he has to eat whatever served @ school! I prepared spaghetti bolognese for dinner as he asked for it. He ate a lot, Idlan too. After dinner, I brought him to Tesco to buy foods that he’ll like to bring to school. In the car, he told me that the chicken served is too big. At home we’ll “koyak-koyak” the ayam to tiny pieces. Padan la dia tanak makan.. anak manja. So, that night before sleep I’d pujuk2 Rayyan  & Idlan to eat @ school. Adik said “Ok mummy”. Rayyan said “makan sikit aje”. Whatever but pls eat.

Hubby told me that Rayyan cried at school yesterday while having lunch. His teacher said  he wanted to go home. hmmm… And today, I promised to call him at school. He missed me la! And he missed my cooking too! Argh…does this mean I need to prepare lunch & break for them. Supermom to be kena tabah selalu kan… sob sob.sob..

1 Comment

  1. mum2h said,

    January 9, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    They will used to it slowly. Nanti tgk kawan2 buat, pandailah tu. sebulan dua lagi oklah tu. Benda2 ni biasa esp untuk yang first timer duduk daycare

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